Base64 Converter. Encode & Decode

Our tool Base64 Converter encode and decode in a single click. Use the form below depending on the conversion you need

Base64 converter

Tool to Convert to Base64. Encode decode text to base64

The Base64 encoding is a method to convert binary data (such as image files, audio, text encryption, etc,) in a string of text characters. This encoding uses a set of 64 characters (uppercase and lowercase letters, digits 0-9, and the symbols + and /) to represent the data, allowing them to be transmitted safely and efficiently in systems that only handle text, such as emails or URLs.

Features of the Base64 encoding

  1. Use of 64 characters: As the name suggests, Base64 uses a table of 64 characters (plus a fill character =), which allows each group of 6 bits to be represented by a single character of the table.
  2. Fixed-length blocks: Base64 processes data in blocks of 3 bytes (24 bits) which are then divided into 4 groups of 6 bits. Each group of 6 bits is converted into a character table Base64. If the number of bytes is not a multiple of 3, are used characters fill = to complete the coding.
  3. Common applications:
  • Images in HTML and CSS: Allows you to embed the image data in a web page without the need of an HTTP request separate.
  • Transfer of data in emails: Base64 encoding is useful for sending attachments in emails that only support ASCII text.
  • Encryption of sensitive data: Although Base64 is not an encryption method, is used to encode binary data or sensitive strings of text into more manageable.

Example of use of conversion to Base64

If you want to encode in Base64, the text ‘Hello’, the process would be:

  1. Convert each letter into its binary representation.
  2. Grouped in blocks of 6 bits and use the table Base64 to find the equivalent characters.
  3. In the case of not completing a multiple of 3 bytes, add = as a padding at the end.

For example, ‘Hello’ in Base64 becomes SG9sYQ==.

Frequently asked questions about Base64 converter

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How to Convert to Base64 advanced forms

To convert audio files, pfd, video, images, and conversions to advanced, we recommend the web Base64 Guru

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