X11 color chart

Browse the complete X11 color chart categorized by color families with their hexadecimal values ​​and color name

X11 Colors by family

Color family:black

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Black #000000 0,0,0

Color family:blue

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Alice Blue #F0F8FF 240,248,255
Blue Violet #8A2BE2 138,43,226
Cadet Blue #5F9EA0 95,158,160
Cadet Blue 1 #98F5FF 152,245,255
Cadet Blue 2 #8EE5EE 142,229,238
Cadet Blue 3 #7AC5CD 122,197,205
Cadet Blue 4 #53868B 83,134,139
Corn Flower Blue #6495ED 100,149,237
Dark Blue #00008B 0,0,139
Dark Cyan #008B8B 0,139,139
Dark Slate Blue #483D8B 72,61,139
Dark Turquoise #00CED1 0,206,209
Deep Sky Blue #00BFFF 0,191,255
Deep Sky Blue 1 #00BFFF 0,191,255
Deep Sky Blue 2 #00B2EE 0,178,238
Deep Sky Blue 3 #009ACD 0,154,205
Deep Sky Blue 4 #00688B 0,104,139
Dodger Blue #1E90FF 30,144,255
Dodger Blue 1 #1E90FF 30,144,255
Dodger Blue 2 #1C86EE 28,134,238
Dodger Blue 3 #1874CD 24,116,205
Dodger Blue 4 #104E8B 16,78,139
Light Blue #ADD8E6 173,216,230
Light Blue 1 #BFEFFF 191,239,255
Light Blue 2 #B2DFEE 178,223,238
Light Blue 3 #9AC0CD 154,192,205
Light Blue 4 #68838B 104,131,139
Light Cyan #E0FFFF 224,255,255
Light Cyan 1 #E0FFFF 224,255,255
Light Cyan 2 #D1EEEE 209,238,238
Light Cyan 3 #B4CDCD 180,205,205
Ligh tCyan 4 #7A8B8B 122,139,139
Light Sky Blue #87CEFA 135,206,250
Light Sky Blue 1 #B0E2FF 176,226,255
Light Sky Blue 2 #A4D3EE 164,211,238
Light Sky Blue 3 #8DB6CD 141,182,205
Light Sky Blue 4 #607B8B 96,123,139
Light Slate Blue #8470FF 132,112,255
Light Steel Blue #B0C4DE 176,196,222
Light Steel Blue 1 #CAE1FF 202,225,255
Light Steel Blue 2 #BCD2EE 188,210,238
Light Steel Blue 3 #A2B5CD 162,181,205
Light Steel Blue 4 #6E7B8B 110,123,139
Medium Aquamarine #66CDAA 102,205,170
Medium Blue #0000CD 0,0,205
Medium Slate Blue #7B68EE 123,104,238
Medium Turquoise #48D1CC 72,209,204
Midnight Blue #191970 25,25,112
Navy Blue #000080 0,0,128
Pale Turquoise #AFEEEE 175,238,238
Pale Turquoise 1 #BBFFFF 187,255,255
Pale Turquoise 2 #AEEEEE 174,238,238
Pale Turquoise 3 #96CDCD 150,205,205
Pale Turquoise 4 #668B8B 102,139,139
Powder Blue #B0E0E6 176,224,230
Royal Blue #4169E1 65,105,225
Royal Blue 1 #4876FF 72,118,255
Royal Blue 2 #436EEE 67,110,238
Royal Blue 3 #3A5FCD 58,95,205
Royal Blue 4 #27408B 39,64,139
Sky Blue #87CEEB 135,206,235
Sky Blue 1 #87CEFF 135,206,255
Sky Blue 2 #7EC0EE 126,192,238
Sky Blue 3 #6CA6CD 108,166,205
Sky Blue 4 #4A708B 74,112,139
Slate Blue #6A5ACD 106,90,205
Slate Blue 1 #836FFF 131,111,255
Slate Blue 2 #7A67EE 122,103,238
Slate Blue 3 #6959CD 105,89,205
Slate Blue 4 #473C8B 71,60,139
Steel Blue #4682B4 70,130,180
Stee Blue 1 #63B8FF 99,184,255
Steel Blue 2 #5CACEE 92,172,238
Steel Blue 3 #4F94CD 79,148,205
Steel Blue 4 #36648B 54,100,139
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 127,255,212
Aquamarine 1 #7FFFD4 127,255,212
Aquamarine 2 #76EEC6 118,238,198
Aquamarine 3 #66CDAA 102,205,170
Aquamarine 4 #458B74 69,139,116
Azure #F0FFFF 240,255,255
Azure 1 #F0FFFF 240,255,255
Azure 2 #E0EEEE 224,238,238
Azure 3 #C1CDCD 193,205,205
Azure 4 #838B8B 131,139,139
Blue #0000FF 0,0,255
Blue 1 #0000FF 0,0,255
Blue 2 #0000EE 0,0,238
Blue 3 #0000CD 0,0,205
Blue 4 #00008B 0,0,139
Cyan #00FFFF 0,255,255
Cyan 1 #00FFFF 0,255,255
Cyan 2 #00EEEE 0,238,238
Cyan 3 #00CDCD 0,205,205
Cyan 4 #008B8B 0,139,139
Navy #000080 0,0,128
Turquoise #40E0D0 64,224,208
Turquoise 1 #00F5FF 0,245,255
Turquoise 2 #00E5EE 0,229,238
Turquoise 3 #00C5CD 0,197,205
Turquoise 4 #00868B 0,134,139

Color family:brown

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Rosy Brown #BC8F8F 188,143,143
Rosy Brown 1 #FFC1C1 255,193,193
Rosy Brown 2 #EEB4B4 238,180,180
Rosy Brown 3 #CD9B9B 205,155,155
Rosy Brown 4 #8B6969 139,105,105
Saddle Brown #8B4513 139,69,19
Sandy Brown #F4A460 244,164,96
Beige #F5F5DC 245,245,220
Brown #A52A2A 165,42,42
Brown 1 #FF4040 255,64,64
Brown 2 #EE3B3B 238,59,59
Brown 3 #CD3333 205,51,51
Brown 4 #8B2323 139,35,35
Fuerte Wood #DEB887 222,184,135
Fuerte Wood 1 #FFD39B 255,211,155
Fuerte Wood 2 #EEC591 238,197,145
Fuerte Wood 3 #CDAA7D 205,170,125
Fuerte Wood 4 #8B7355 139,115,85
Chocolate #D2691E 210,105,30
Chocolate 1 #FF7F24 255,127,36
Chocolate 2 #EE7621 238,118,33
Chocolate 3 #CD661D 205,102,29
Chocolate 4 #8B4513 139,69,19
Peru #CD853F 205,133,63
Tan #D2B48C 210,180,140
Tan 1 #FFA54F 255,165,79
Tan 2 #EE9A49 238,154,73
Tan 3 #CD853F 205,133,63
Tan 4 #8B5A2B 139,90,43

Color family:green

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Dark Green #006400 0,100,0
Dark Khaki #BDB76B 189,183,107
Dark Olive Green #556B2F 85,107,47
Dark Olive Green 1 #CAFF70 202,255,112
Dark Olive Green 2 #BCEE68 188,238,104
Dark Olive Green 3 #A2CD5A 162,205,90
Dark Olive Green 4 #6E8B3D 110,139,61
Dark Sea Green #8FBC8F 143,188,143
Dark Sea Green 1 #C1FFC1 193,255,193
Dark Sea Green 2 #B4EEB4 180,238,180
Dark Sea Green 3 #9BCD9B 155,205,155
Dark Sea Green 4 #698B69 105,139,105
Forest Green #228B22 34,139,34
Green Yellow #ADFF2F 173,255,47
Lawn Green #7CFC00 124,252,0
Light Green #90EE90 144,238,144
Light Sea Green #20B2AA 32,178,170
Lime Green #32CD32 50,205,50
Medium Sea Green #3CB371 60,179,113
Medium Spring Green #00FA9A 0,250,154
Mint Cream #F5FFFA 245,255,250
Olive Drab #6B8E23 107,142,35
Olive Drab 1 #C0FF3E 192,255,62
Olive Drab 2 #B3EE3A 179,238,58
Olive Drab 3 #9ACD32 154,205,50
Olive Drab 4 #698B22 105,139,34
Pale Green #98FB98 152,251,152
Pale Green 1 #9AFF9A 154,255,154
Pale Green 2 #90EE90 144,238,144
Pale Green 3 #7CCD7C 124,205,124
Pale Green 4 #548B54 84,139,84
Sea Green #2E8B57 46,139,87
Sea Green 1 #54FF9F 84,255,159
Sea Green 2 #4EEE94 78,238,148
Sea Green 3 #43CD80 67,205,128
Sea Green 4 #2E8B57 46,139,87
Spring Green #00FF7F 0,255,127
Spring Green 1 #00FF7F 0,255,127
Spring Green 2 #00EE76 0,238,118
Spring Green 3 #00CD66 0,205,102
Spring Green 4 #008B45 0,139,69
Yellow Green #9ACD32 154,205,50
Chartreuse #7FFF00 127,255,0
Chartreuse 1 #7FFF00 127,255,0
Chartreuse 2 #76EE00 118,238,0
Chartreuse 3 #66CD00 102,205,0
Chartreuse 4 #458B00 69,139,0
Green #00FF00 0,255,0
Green 1 #00FF00 0,255,0
Green 2 #00EE00 0,238,0
Green 3 #00CD00 0,205,0
Green 4 #008B00 0,139,0
Khaki #F0E68C 240,230,140
Khaki 1 #FFF68F 255,246,143
Khaki 2 #EEE685 238,230,133
Khaki 3 #CDC673 205,198,115
Khaki 4 #8B864E 139,134,78

Color family:grey

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Dark Slate Gray #2F4F4F 47,79,79
Dark Slate Gray 1 #97FFFF 151,255,255
Dark Slate Gray 2 #8DEEEE 141,238,238
Dark Slate Gray 3 #79CDCD 121,205,205
Dark Slate Gray 4 #528B8B 82,139,139
Dark Slate Grey #2F4F4F 47,79,79
Dim Gray #696969 105,105,105
Light Gray #D3D3D3 211,211,211
Light Slate Gray #778899 119,136,153
Light Slate Grey #778899 119,136,153
Slate Gray #708090 112,128,144
Slate Gray 1 #C6E2FF 198,226,255
Slate Gray 2 #B9D3EE 185,211,238
Slate Gray 3 #9FB6CD 159,182,205
Slate Gray 4 #6C7B8B 108,123,139
Gray #BEBEBE 190,190,190
Gray 0 #000000 0,0,0
Gray 1 #030303 3,3,2003
Gray 2 #050505 5,5,2005
Gray 3 #080808 8,8,2008
Gray 4 #0A0A0A 10,10,10
Gray 5 #0D0D0D 13,13,13
Gray 6 #0F0F0F 15,15,15
Gray 7 #121212 18,18,18
Gray 8 #141414 20,20,20
Gray 9 #171717 23,23,23
Gray 10 #1A1A1A 26,26,26
Gray 11 #1C1C1C 28,28,28
Gray 12 #1F1F1F 31,31,31
Gray 13 #212121 33,33,33
Gray 14 #242424 36,36,36
Gray 15 #262626 38,38,38
Gray 16 #292929 41,41,41
Gray 17 #2B2B2B 43,43,43
Gray 18 #2E2E2E 46,46,46
Gray 19 #303030 48,48,48
Gray 20 #333333 51,51,51
Gray 21 #363636 54,54,54
Gray 22 #383838 56,56,56
Gray 23 #3B3B3B 59,59,59
Gray 24 #3D3D3D 61,61,61
Gray 25 #404040 64,64,64
Gray 26 #424242 66,66,66
Gray 27 #454545 69,69,69
Gray 28 #474747 71,71,71
Gray 29 #4A4A4A 74,74,74
Gray 30 #4D4D4D 77,77,77
Gray 31 #4F4F4F 79,79,79
Gray 32 #525252 82,82,82
Gray 33 #545454 84,84,84
Gray 34 #575757 87,87,87
Gray 35 #595959 89,89,89
Gray 36 #5C5C5C 92,92,92
Gray 37 #5E5E5E 94,94,94
Gray 38 #616161 97,97,97
Gray 39 #636363 99,99,99
Gray 40 #666666 102,102,102
Gray 41 #696969 105,105,105
Gray 42 #6B6B6B 107,107,107
Gray 43 #6E6E6E 110,110,110
Gray 44 #707070 112,112,112
Gray 45 #737373 115,115,115
Gray 46 #757575 117,117,117
Gray 47 #787878 120,120,120
Gray 48 #7A7A7A 122,122,122
Gray 49 #7D7D7D 125,125,125
Gray 50 #7F7F7F 127,127,127
Gray 51 #828282 130,130,130
Gray 52 #858585 133,133,133
Gray 53 #878787 135,135,135
Gray 54 #8A8A8A 138,138,138
Gray 55 #8C8C8C 140,140,140
Gray 56 #8F8F8F 143,143,143
Gray 57 #919191 145,145,145
Gray 58 #949494 148,148,148
Gray 59 #969696 150,150,150
Gray 60 #999999 153,153,153
Gray 61 #9C9C9C 156,156,156
Gray 62 #9E9E9E 158,158,158
Gray 63 #A1A1A1 161,161,161
Gray 64 #A3A3A3 163,163,163
Gray 65 #A6A6A6 166,166,166
Gray 66 #A8A8A8 168,168,168
Gray 67 #ABABAB 171,171,171
Gray 68 #ADADAD 173,173,173
Gray 69 #B0B0B0 176,176,176
Gray 70 #B3B3B3 179,179,179
Gray 71 #B5B5B5 181,181,181
Gray 72 #B8B8B8 184,184,184
Gray 73 #BABABA 186,186,186
Gray 74 #BDBDBD 189,189,189
Gray 75 #BFBFBF 191,191,191
Gray 76 #C2C2C2 194,194,194
Gray 77 #C4C4C4 196,196,196
Gray 78 #C7C7C7 199,199,199
Gray 79 #C9C9C9 201,201,201
Gray 80 #CCCCCC 204,204,204
Gray 81 #CFCFCF 207,207,207
Gray 82 #D1D1D1 209,209,209
Gray 83 #D4D4D4 212,212,212
Gray 84 #D6D6D6 214,214,214
Gray 85 #D9D9D9 217,217,217
Gray 86 #DBDBDB 219,219,219
Gray 87 #DEDEDE 222,222,222
Gray 88 #E0E0E0 224,224,224
Gray 89 #E3E3E3 227,227,227
Gray 90 #E5E5E5 229,229,229
Gray 91 #E8E8E8 232,232,232
Gray 92 #EBEBEB 235,235,235
Gray 93 #EDEDED 237,237,237
Gray 94 #F0F0F0 240,240,240
Gray 95 #F2F2F2 242,242,242
Gray 96 #F5F5F5 245,245,245
Gray 97 #F7F7F7 247,247,247
Gray 98 #FAFAFA 250,250,250
Gray 99 #FCFCFC 252,252,252
Gray 100 #FFFFFF 255,255,255

Color family:orange

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Dark Orange #FF8C00 255,140,0
Dark Orange 1 #FF7F00 255,127,0
Dark Orange 2 #EE7600 238,118,0
Dark Orange 3 #CD6600 205,102,0
Dark Orange 4 #8B4500 139,69,0
Dark Salmon #E9967A 233,150,122
Light Coral #F08080 240,128,128
Light Salmon #FFA07A 255,160,122
Light Salmon 1 #FFA07A 255,160,122
Light Salmon 2 #EE9572 238,149,114
Light Salmon 3 #CD8162 205,129,98
Light Salmon 4 #8B5742 139,87,66
Peach Puff #FFDAB9 255,218,185
Peach Puff 1 #FFDAB9 255,218,185
Peach Puff 2 #EECBAD 238,203,173
Peach Puff 3 #CDAF95 205,175,149
Peach Puff 4 #8B7765 139,119,101
Bisque #FFE4C4 255,228,196
Bisque 1 #FFE4C4 255,228,196
Bisque 2 #EED5B7 238,213,183
Bisque 3 #CDB79E 205,183,158
Bisque 4 #8B7D6B 139,125,107
Coral #FF7F50 255,127,80
Coral 1 #FF7256 255,114,86
Coral 2 #EE6A50 238,106,80
Coral 3 #CD5B45 205,91,69
Coral 4 #8B3E2F 139,62,47
Honeydew #F0FFF0 240,255,240
Honeydew 1 #F0FFF0 240,255,240
Honeydew 2 #E0EEE0 224,238,224
Honeydew 3 #C1CDC1 193,205,193
Honeydew 4 #838B83 131,139,131
Orange #FFA500 255,165,0
Orange 1 #FFA500 255,165,0
Orange 2 #EE9A00 238,154,0
Orange 3 #CD8500 205,133,0
Orange 4 #8B5A00 139,90,0
Salmon #FA8072 250,128,114
Salmon 1 #FF8C69 255,140,105
Salmon 2 #EE8262 238,130,98
Salmon 3 #CD7054 205,112,84
Salmon 4 #8B4C39 139,76,57
Sienna #A0522D 160,82,45
Sienna 1 #FF8247 255,130,71
Sienna 2 #EE7942 238,121,66
Sienna 3 #CD6839 205,104,57
Sienna 4 #8B4726 139,71,38

Color family:red

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Dark Red #8B0000 139,0,0
Deep Pink #FF1493 255,20,147
Deep Pink 1 #FF1493 255,20,147
Deep Pink 2 #EE1289 238,18,137
Deep Pink 3 #CD1076 205,16,118
Deep Pink 4 #8B0A50 139,10,80
Hot Pink #FF69B4 255,105,180
Hot Pink 1 #FF6EB4 255,110,180
Hot Pink 2 #EE6AA7 238,106,167
Hot Pink 3 #CD6090 205,96,144
Hot Pink 4 #8B3A62 139,58,98
Indian Red #CD5C5C 205,92,92
Indian Red 1 #FF6A6A 255,106,106
Indian Red 2 #EE6363 238,99,99
Indian Red 3 #CD5555 205,85,85
Indian Red 4 #8B3A3A 139,58,58
Light Pink #FFB6C1 255,182,193
Light Pink 1 #FFAEB9 255,174,185
Light Pink 2 #EEA2AD 238,162,173
Light Pink 3 #CD8C95 205,140,149
Light Pink 4 #8B5F65 139,95,101
Medium Violet Red #C71585 199,21,133
Misty Rose #FFE4E1 255,228,225
Misty Rose 1 #FFE4E1 255,228,225
Misty Rose 2 #EED5D2 238,213,210
Misty Rose 3 #CDB7B5 205,183,181
Misty Rose 4 #8B7D7B 139,125,123
Orange Red #FF4500 255,69,0
Orange Red 1 #FF4500 255,69,0
Orange Red 2 #EE4000 238,64,0
Orange Red 3 #CD3700 205,55,0
Orange Red 4 #8B2500 139,37,0
Pale Violet Red #DB7093 219,112,147
Pale Violet Red 1 #FF82AB 255,130,171
Pale Violet Red 2 #EE799F 238,121,159
Pale Violet Red 3 #CD6889 205,104,137
Pale Violet Red 4 #8B475D 139,71,93
Violet Red #D02090 208,32,144
Violet Red 1 #FF3E96 255,62,150
Violet Red 2 #EE3A8C 238,58,140
Violet Red 3 #CD3278 205,50,120
Violet Red 4 #8B2252 139,34,82
Firebrick #B22222 178,34,34
Firebrick 1 #FF3030 255,48,48
Firebrick 2 #EE2C2C 238,44,44
Firebrick 3 #CD2626 205,38,38
Firebrick 4 #8B1A1A 139,26,26
Pink #FFC0CB 255,192,203
Pink 1 #FFB5C5 255,181,197
Pink 2 #EEA9B8 238,169,184
Pink 3 #CD919E 205,145,158
Pink 4 #8B636C 139,99,108
Red #FF0000 255,0,0
Red 1 #FF0000 255,0,0
Red 2 #EE0000 238,0,0
Red 3 #CD0000 205,0,0
Red 4 #8B0000 139,0,0
Tomato #FF6347 255,99,71
Tomato 1 #FF6347 255,99,71
Tomato 2 #EE5C42 238,92,66
Tomato 3 #CD4F39 205,79,57
Tomato 4 #8B3626 139,54,38

Color family:violet

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Dark Magenta #8B008B 139,0,139
Dark Orchid #9932CC 153,50,204
Dark Orchid 1 #BF3EFF 191,62,255
Dark Orchid 2 #B23AEE 178,58,238
Dark Orchid 3 #9A32CD 154,50,205
Dark Orchid 4 #68228B 104,34,139
Dark Violet #9400D3 148,0,211
Lavender Blush #FFF0F5 255,240,245
Lavender Blush 1 #FFF0F5 255,240,245
Lavender Blush 2 #EEE0E5 238,224,229
Lavender Blush 3 #CDC1C5 205,193,197
Lavender Blush 4 #8B8386 139,131,134
Medium Orchid #BA55D3 186,85,211
Medium Orchid 1 #E066FF 224,102,255
Medium Orchid 2 #D15FEE 209,95,238
Medium Orchid 3 #B452CD 180,82,205
Medium Orchid 4 #7A378B 122,55,139
Medium Purple #9370DB 147,112,219
Medium Purple 1 #AB82FF 171,130,255
Medium Purple 2 #9F79EE 159,121,238
Medium Purple 3 #8968CD 137,104,205
Medium Purple 4 #5D478B 93,71,139
Lavender #E6E6FA 230,230,250
Magenta #FF00FF 255,0,255
Magenta 1 #FF00FF 255,0,255
Magenta 2 #EE00EE 238,0,238
Magenta 3 #CD00CD 205,0,205
Magenta 4 #8B008B 139,0,139
Maroon #B03060 176,48,96
Maroon 1 #FF34B3 255,52,179
Maroon 2 #EE30A7 238,48,167
Maroon 3 #CD2990 205,41,144
Maroon 4 #8B1C62 139,28,98
Orchid #DA70D6 218,112,214
Orchid 1 #FF83FA 255,131,250
Orchid 2 #EE7AE9 238,122,233
Orchid 3 #CD69C9 205,105,201
Orchid 4 #8B4789 139,71,137
Plum #DDA0DD 221,160,221
Plum 1 #FFBBFF 255,187,255
Plum 2 #EEAEEE 238,174,238
Plum 3 #CD96CD 205,150,205
Plum 4 #8B668B 139,102,139
Purple #A020F0 160,32,240
Purple 1 #9B30FF 155,48,255
Purple 2 #912CEE 145,44,238
Purple 3 #7D26CD 125,38,205
Purple 4 #551A8B 85,26,139
Thistle #D8BFD8 216,191,216
Thistle 1 #FFE1FF 255,225,255
Thistle 2 #EED2EE 238,210,238
Thistle 3 #CDB5CD 205,181,205
Thistle 4 #8B7B8B 139,123,139
Violet #EE82EE 238,130,238

Color family:white

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Antique White #FAEBD7 250,235,215
Antique White 1 #FFEFDB 255,239,219
Antique White 2 #EEDFCC 238,223,204
Antique White 3 #CDC0B0 205,192,176
Antique White 4 #8B8378 139,131,120
Floral White #FFFAF0 255,250,240
Ghost White #F8F8FF 248,248,255
Navajo White #FFDEAD 255,222,173
Navajo White 1 #FFDEAD 255,222,173
Navajo White 2 #EECFA1 238,207,161
Navajo White 3 #CDB38B 205,179,139
Navajo White 4 #8B795E 139,121,94
Old Lace #FDF5E6 253,245,230
White Smoke #F5F5F5 245,245,245
Gainsboro #DCDCDC 220,220,220
Ivory #FFFFF0 255,255,240
Ivory 1 #FFFFF0 255,255,240
Ivory 2 #EEEEE0 238,238,224
Ivory 3 #CDCDC1 205,205,193
Ivory 4 #8B8B83 139,139,131
Linen #FAF0E6 250,240,230
Seashell #FFF5EE 255,245,238
Seashell 1 #FFF5EE 255,245,238
Seashell 2 #EEE5DE 238,229,222
Seashell 3 #CDC5BF 205,197,191
Seashell 4 #8B8682 139,134,130
Snow #FFFAFA 255,250,250
Snow 1 #FFFAFA 255,250,250
Snow 2 #EEE9E9 238,233,233
Snow 3 #CDC9C9 205,201,201
Snow 4 #8B8989 139,137,137
Wheat #F5DEB3 245,222,179
Wheat 1 #FFE7BA 255,231,186
Wheat 2 #EED8AE 238,216,174
Wheat 3 #CDBA96 205,186,150
Wheat 4 #8B7E66 139,126,102
White #FFFFFF 255,255,255

Color family:yellow

Color swatch Color name HEX value RGB value Generate palette
Blanched Almond #FFEBCD 255,235,205
Dark Goldenrod #B8860B 184,134,11
Dark Goldenrod 1 #FFB90F 255,185,15
Dark Goldenrod 2 #EEAD0E 238,173,14
Dark Goldenrod 3 #CD950C 205,149,12
Dark Goldenrod 4 #8B6508 139,101,8
Lemon Chiffon #FFFACD 255,250,205
Lemon Chiffon 1 #FFFACD 255,250,205
Lemon Chiffon 2 #EEE9BF 238,233,191
Lemon Chiffon 3 #CDC9A5 205,201,165
Lemon Chiffon 4 #8B8970 139,137,112
Light Goldenrod #EEDD82 238,221,130
Light Goldenrod 1 #FFEC8B 255,236,139
Light Goldenrod 2 #EEDC82 238,220,130
Light Goldenrod 3 #CDBE70 205,190,112
Light Goldenrod 4 #8B814C 139,129,76
Light Goldenrod Yellow #FAFAD2 250,250,210
Light Yellow #FFFFE0 255,255,224
Light Yellow 1 #FFFFE0 255,255,224
Light Yellow 2 #EEEED1 238,238,209
Light Yellow 3 #CDCDB4 205,205,180
Light Yellow 4 #8B8B7A 139,139,122
Pale Goldenrod #EEE8AA 238,232,170
Papaya Whip #FFEFD5 255,239,213
Cornsilk #FFF8DC 255,248,220
Cornsilk 1 #FFF8DC 255,248,220
Cornsilk 2 #EEE8CD 238,232,205
Cornsilk 3 #CDC8B1 205,200,177
Cornsilk 4 #8B8878 139,136,120
Gold #FFD700 255,215,0
Gold 1 #FFD700 255,215,0
Gold 2 #EEC900 238,201,0
Gold 3 #CDAD00 205,173,0
Gold 4 #8B7500 139,117,0
Goldenrod #DAA520 218,165,32
Goldenrod 1 #FFC125 255,193,37
Goldenrod 2 #EEB422 238,180,34
Goldenrod 3 #CD9B1D 205,155,29
Goldenrod 4 #8B6914 139,105,20
Moccasin #FFE4B5 255,228,181
Yellow #FFFF00 255,255,0
Yellow 1 #FFFF00 255,255,0
Yellow 2 #EEEE00 238,238,0
Yellow 3 #CDCD00 205,205,0
Yellow 4 #8B8B00 139,139,0

The X11 color chart: Origin, characteristics and applications

The table of colors X11 is a fundamental reference in the world of web design and development. This set of colours, which originated in the environment of graphical user interfaces, it has become a widely recognized standard, especially in applications that involve digital graphics and programming.

The origin of the system of colors X11

The table of colors X11 has its origin in the X Window System, developed in the 1980s as a graphical interface for Unix systems. This system allowed the creation of visual environments through servers graphics. Within its design, the need arose to establish a palette of standard colours that could be used in a consistent manner in different applications.

In 1989, she created a list of names of predefined colors for the X11 system. These names and values were adopted later in the development of web pages when the HTML language began to integrate with CSS. In this way, the colors X11 is consolidated as a reference in both programming and graphic design.

Main features of the X11 color chart

  1. Human-readable names and descriptions: One of the most distinctive features of this table is that each color has a specific name in English, making it easier to identify. Examples include ‘Network’, ‘as lightblue’, ‘Goldenrod’, and ‘SlateGray’.
  2. Standardization: This color scheme became in a subset recognized in the colors named by CSS. This ensures compatibility in web applications and graphics.
  3. Number of colors: Includes 140 color names that cover a wide range, from basic tones such as ‘Black’ or ‘White’, until nuances more complex as ‘DarkOliveGreen’ or ‘PaleTurquoise’.
  4. Format of representation: in Addition to the name, each color has a hexadecimal value (HEX) and a RGB value, which allows its use in contexts as varied as graphic design, web programming and development.
  5. Availability: The colors are predefined in browsers and editors of design, making it easy to use without the need to set new values of color.

Other tools that may be of interest

generador de esquemas de colores. Paletas de color

Color schemes

Generates color schemes and color palettes automatically

Random color generator

Random Color

Generate random colors in one click easily

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